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Trusted by Over 25000+ Drunks Worldwide
The Wildest Drinking Game You’ll Ever Experience
Take turns drawing cards that will make you and your friends do savage challenges & get LIT AF!
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30 Day Happiness Guarantee
Verified Customer Reviews

Get Wasted OR Do Savage Challenges
Prepare to get wild and wasted with Do or Drink, the ultimate drinking game that will test your limits and make you do savage challenges. Whether you win by completing the most dares or lose by getting lit AF, you’ll have a blast with this game. With 350 cards to choose from, you’ll never run out of fun and hilarious scenarios. Watch your friends do ridiculous things and have the night of your life.

We’re the #1 Drinking Game in America for a reason

Designed To Get You & Your Friends Wasted
Win by completing the most challenges or lose while getting wasted. With 350 cards included in this game you can play over and over again. Watch your friends do ridiculous dares and have the night of your life.
for Adults
Play with
350 Game
Fast Worldwide Shipping
30 Day Guarantee

25,921+ Global 5-Star Reviews
Do Or Drink: Win or Blackout
The game that started it all. Win by completing the most challenges or lose while getting wasted. With 350 cards included in this game you can play over and over again. Watch your friends do ridiculous dares and have the night of your life.
350 Game Cards, hours of endless fun
Tons of Savage Challenges
Sold out 4x in the Past 3 Months

Fast Worldwide Shipping

30 Day Guarantee
Fast Worldwide Shipping
30 Day Guarantee
A Game For All Occasions
Trusted by 25,000+ Savages
Fast Worldwide Shipping
30 Day Guarantee

Trusted by 25,000+
Happy Drunks Worldwide
Get Your Game On Now
Easy + Replay Value
Perfect For All Occasions
Create Memorable Moments
Fast Worldwide Shipping
30 Day Guarantee
We ship worldwide to all countries! we want everyone to be able experience what night is like playing our game so we have worked very hard to make this possible!
Your order will be processed in 5 business days. depending on where you are located shipping may take 1-3 weeks after processing. reach out to hello@do-or-drink.com with any inquiries about your order.
Your order will take no more than 3 business days to process. after your order is processed you will receive your order within 5 business days! please reach out if you have waited longer than this or have any other questions regarding your order to hello@do-or-drink.com
Don't fret! we are on amazon as well. if you need our game quickly for a party or event, you can find us on amazon by clicking here
It's your lucky day! we have partnered with Spencer's stores. if you aren't already familiar with them, you are missing out! they carry most of our products in all of their locations. pick it up same day at any Spencer's locations.
We are more than happy to help! just shoot us an email to hello@do-or-drink.com with your name, order number and issue. we will get it fixed and you on your way to a good time in no time!
We designed this game so it could be played easily. you are having a good time with family or friends and letting loose, we want your brain be able to chill too. you can easily pick this game and the rules up in 5 minutes or less.
We are constantly coming up with new games to launch. we usually aim to launch something new every month or two and will send an email out to our subscribers first! Have an idea for a game? send us an email to allie@do-or-drink.com